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Meaning Behind Our Patch


Archangel Wings

The Scales

Shield & Swords


Sends a message of highest importance. 

They are unbalanced and will remain as such until such time that justice is served on all those to blame.

For the pain they (children) endure at the hands of others.

Our tools. A Guardian must battle those who oppose.


The lining; a ray of hope that someday, the abuse will stop.


The dark times that abused children live in.

Our Mission

The Mission of the Guardians of the Children (GOC) is to recognize and react to child abuse and educate the public to do the same; to serve as advocates to provide strength and stability to families in crisis; and be an answer to the prayers of an abused child or teen for courage, support, and protection.

What We Do


If a child passes away due to child abuse, we spread their story and never let their memory fade. We'll hold vigils and add the child's name and photo to our "memory wall," as well as plant a tree for them in our memorial tree garden.


Every month, we hold kids events for our adopted children and other Lil Guardians to take time to have a little fun together! We've gone camping, bowling, fishing, and so much more! The kids always have a blast. 


When a child or teen has been abused, we'll bring them into our biker family. With a bear full of courage and a photo of us, these children know they're never alone.


When a child must testify in court or has any court dates at all, we show up to support them. It's a very intimidating and nerve-wracking situation, and we like to let them know we're there for them. Additionally, we offer support and protection to families in need. 


We take time to get out in the community to educate the public about child abuse. We have booths at National Night Outs and many other public events where we can talk to communities. Watch our events to come meet us!


We are always looking to raise money to help support the children who have been abused in our communities. Each year, we hold a Soup Cook-Off and Poker Run to help raise money, but we never stop raising money in different ways throughout the year!

Upcoming Events

No events at the moment

Upcoming Events

October 20th  9am

Monthly Meeting

Youth Center


November 17th 10am

Monthly Meeting

Youth Center


December 15th 10am

Monthly Meeting

Youth Center


January 19th 10am

Monthly Meeting

Youth Center


Contact & Information

For information on Hawg City GOC email:



Join us for our monthly meetings which are open to the public.  Usually held on the third Sunday of each month at 10am.  Contact us for details.

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